Hair masks, serums, leave-in moisturizers, ACV rinses, holistic shampoo and conditioner... these are all great and wonderful and have us feeling fresh & fabulous. But all the time, effort and mula poured into these external treatments is for naught when the inside is not being nurtured first.

By "the inside", I'm really meaning your gut. Yes, the internal gastrointestinal tract, and what it has to process and digest on a daily basis. Enough research and evidence exists to explain how humans are essentially what we eat, mentally and physically.
Every molecule making up a food you ingest will eventually become building blocks within the billions of body cells that make up you.
You and your lovely locks of hair.
The design of the body is incredible in this way, that it replaces old cells for new, continuously, unceasingly.
For this to happen your body relies on the nutrients you provide it with.
While we cannot necessarily target the exact part of our bodies that we would have our hair-promoting foods impact, like the scalp and hair follicles, we can aim to set an optimal foundation of a balanced diet for healthy hair to be rooted in.
As they say, it's what's on the inside that counts.
Each woman comes from a background, culture, and diet preference unique to her, which influences her food favourites. The list of hair-promoting foods is really endless, so do be encouraged to research to your heart's content. I will be sharing the handful of foods I myself love to incorporate into everyday life, as well as the nutrients to seek out in order to help your hair grow.
Spinach & Broccoli for iron; aiding scalp circulation
Berries for antioxidants; preventing hair breakage
Avocado for Vitamin E; contributing to elastin and collagen production for supple hair
Sweet potato for Beta Keratin; helping body produce Vitamin A to balance oils on scalp
Nuts & Seeds for Omega-3 fatty acids; hydrating the hair
Cucumber for Silica; softening and shining the hair
Garlic & Onions for Selenium & Sulphur; thickening shaft structure & promoting regrowth
Legumes for protein, zinc, Biotin; strengthening hair shafts
Citrus & Peppers for Vitamin C; combatting hair loss
Eggs for Biotin & protein; stimulating hair follicle growth

And of course, some dark chocolate here and there is always welcome too :)
To me this is probably the most exciting & diverse part of hair care, so I am eager to hear your own thoughts & experiences. Let me know of your tasty tips + tricks to achieving healthy happy hair !
With sweet joy & lemon zest,
Hannah Mia ♡