A blog post about ACV hair rinses & the benefits of incorporating them into hair care routines.
Split ends, frizz, thin hair, dry scalp, dandruff, breakage, oiliness. Your girl has been there.
That is, until hair rinses came into the picture.
This natural treatment has revolutionized my hair care routine over the past two years.
Since implementing this habit, I have noted a few visible & tangible benefits.
The nourishing effects of ACV hair rinses:
restoring moisture to hair strands
increasing hair growth & luster
softening the texture
natural detangler
minimizing frizz & oiliness
cleansing dandruff through balancing the scalp's pH levels
M A K E Y O U R O W N :
You will need:
A base (apple cider vinegar)
Herbs (different herbs have different benefits)
Parsley shine & luster
Rosemary stimulates circulation & growth
Lavender soothes the scalp & balances oil production
Thyme balances oily hair & conditions scalp
Peppermint anti-inflammatory
Cinnamon anti-microbial

The ACV hair rinse I am currently using can be whipped together like so:
Place your chosen herbs in a glass jar (I used a handful of fresh rosemary, 1 tsp dried parsley & 1 tsp dried thyme, 1 tsp cinnamon).
Cover the herbs with apple cider vinegar, pouring it into the jar.
Allow the mixture to steep for two weeks in the fridge before straining.
How to use:
Add 5 teaspoons of your hair rinse concentrate to a bowl to take into the shower with you
Wash & massage your hair with shampoo & condition the ends
Once the products are out, allow the bowl of rinse to be diluted to the brim with shower water
Soak your ends in the bowl for anywhere between 30 to 60 seconds
Pour the excess over the scalp and remaining hair
Let it set for 2 minutes before quickly & lightly rinsing with cold water, or leave it in entirely
Remember that patience & consistency are the most important ingredients to seeing the best results.
I wish you a most delightful journey towards your renewed & rejuvenated hair <3
With sweet joy & lemon zest,
Hannah Mia xo