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Señorita Smoothie | The Raspberry Series Pt. 5

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

She's radiant; she's ravishing; she's the sweetheart of all smoothies. She is la Señorita.


"a title of courtesy used in Spanish culture to address a young single woman, otherwise known as Miss."

Not sure what to do with your leftover raspberries? Freezing them will ensure no berry is wasted, and prolongs the joy of raspberry season ! Better yet, frozen berries are key to refreshing smoothies.

Kickstart the morning with this fruity fuel; packed with vitamins C , A & K, fiber, folic acid, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, and enough energy to help you operate in your femininity all day long!


  • 1 cup frozen raspberries

  • 1/2 cup frozen blackberries/ blueberries

  • 1 banana

  • 4 g fresh basil leaves

  • 1.5 cups water/ almond milk/ coconut cream


  1. Combine all ingredients together in a blender, pulsating in order to allow iced berries to gradually be broken down by the blades.

  2. Check that the consistency is to your preference.

  3. Pour into cups, garnish with a basil leave & enjoy as soon as possible.

With sweet joy & lemon zest

Hannah Mia ❀

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